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We have many service opportunities we are excited to share with you!


Pack A Sack

Pack a Sack, an outreach mission of PHUMC, to Sandy Lane and Calvin Huntsinger schools to help children with food insufficiency for the weekends.  We pack items in a bag which takes 30-45 minutes once a week at 6 pm on Thursdays and then deliver the packed bins to the school on Friday morning which takes about 90 minutes. We are looking for volunteers to pack and drivers to deliver the filled bins. The most important part of our packing is praying over the bins after we have filled them. To volunteer, please contact

This happens during the school year. Be watching for more information at the 2024-2025 school year begins.



Giving Hope Needs You    

As we enter into the fall, the need is greater for volunteers to help at Giving Hope. Giving Hope feeds the homeless Monday –Saturday by distributing bags of non-perishable food and sandwiches to those in need in North Pinellas and Pasco. From preparing the food for distribution to deliveries and everything in between, this vital ministry to our community needs your help. For more information about how you can help, contact Don Lewis,



Join us in our SAY YES Campaign! The ultimate in Passionate Participation.

You can view and download the Say Yes Information Sheet as well as sign-up sheets right here.


Information Sheet        Sign Up Sheet


If you have more questions, please contact Rev. Cathy Hart at



Send an email to and let us know what you are interested in and we will get you connected.










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