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Bible Buddies  | 10 a.m. located in Room 205/206

Deepen your knowledge, understanding, and application of the Bible in this verse-by-verse Bible study. Share your insights on various books of the Bible with meaningful discussions about how to apply the Word of God to your everyday life. All are welcome, it doesn’t matter your knowledge of The Bible. We will all learn together.


Wired to the Word  | 10 a.m. located in room 202/203

Wired to the Word is a group that seeks to learn and grow in our faith through studying the Bible, other books, and video studies with Biblical teachers.  We are a mixed group of all ages of adults.  We have members who have the “gift” of teaching and we are blessed by the use of their gift.





LIFT- Ladies In Fellowship Together  September – May, 10 a.m.- 12 p.m.

In LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together), our mission is to go forth, gather, encourage, develop, and grow all mothers and caregivers to realize their potential as women, mothers, and leaders in the name of Jesus Christ.  “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are doing.” We meet together to decompress, recharge, and develop meaningful friendships amid mothering. Our meetings include brunch, speakers, crafts, and lots of conversation. It’s a time to connect with moms in the same season, as well as mentor moms who have traveled this road ahead of us. While moms are connecting with other moms, the little ones enjoy fun activities and snacks in the nursery.

The meeting dates are:

                          Be watching for the 2024 fall meeting dates.



Wednesday- “Connect”

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)


Be watching for the return of this in the Fall of 2024.

Each week in the multi-purpose room there will be a delicious meal. This will be from 5:15-6:15 pm. Meals will be $7 for one or $25 for a family of 4. Prepaid orders must be made in advance. Orders will be available on Sundays in the hallway and can be ordered online.  Order Connect Meals Online Here through the Sunday prior at noon.


Connect Adult Class Offerings

Wednesday, August 14 the Fall 2024 session will begin. Classes will be announced soon.


Children/children’s choir

We will have exciting offerings for children aged birth-5th grade. Check out This is on this website under the heading children, Connect-Wednesday nights.





Women’s Bible Study  10 a.m. at the church in room A202-203.  

Every Thursday morning from September through May

Join this powerful group every Thursday at 10 a.m. in rooms A202-203. We look forward to welcoming everyone. If you need a book or have questions, please contact Alice Hazelbaker at 


During the summer months (June-August), join the ladies in the chapel from 10 am-noon. This will be a small continuation of the Women’s Bible Study that goes on during the school year.


Zoom Study  I  7 p.m.

Unable to gather in person?  Hop onto Zoom for 40 minutes on Thursday evenings to join faithful followers in Studying the Bible Together. Contact Keith Gardner at


Pack A Sack

Pack a Sack, an outreach mission of PHUMC, to Sandy Lane and Calvin Huntsinger schools to help children with food insufficiency for the weekends.  We pack items in a bag which takes 30-45 minutes once a week at 6 pm on Thursdays and then deliver the packed bins to the school on Friday morning which takes about 90 minutes. We are looking for volunteers to pack and drivers to deliver the filled bins. The most important part of our packing is praying over the bins after we have filled them. To volunteer, please contact

This happens during the school year. Be watching for more information at the 2024-2025 school year begins.


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